Thursday 3 October 2019

The Addams Family (1991)

Con artists plan to fleece an eccentric family using an accomplice who claims to be their long-lost uncle.

From memory: Nicely made and very well cast adaptation has its some enjoyable bits and moments, but is far cry from the charm of the beloved TV series.

Halliwell*: "Owing more to the TV series of the 1960s than to the macabre wit of the original New Yorker cartoons, an ill-conceived, coarse-grained comedy that nevertheless was a success at the box-office."

Maltin***: ""Piquant comedy...Huston and Julia are absolutely perfect as Morticia  and Gomez, and maintain a light touch while dispensing their gleefully ghoulish black humor. Impressive directorial debut for cinematographer Sonnenfeld.

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