Wednesday 16 October 2019

The Deer Hunter (1978)

The U.S. Vietnam War impacts and disrupts the lives of people in a small industrial town in Pennsylvania.

From memory (multiple viewings): Controversial for its biased depiction of the Vietnam War, this masterpiece explores the war's impact on an average American community; stellar performances throughout, excellent cinematography and many meticulously staged, often highly intense and harrowing sequences makes it a thoroughly exhausting cinematic experience.

Halliwell*: "The three-hour running time is taken up with crosscutting of a wedding, a deer hunt and a game of Russian roulette. Presumably the audience has to guess the point, if any; meanwhile it may be repelled by this long and savage if frequently engrossing film."

Maltin****: "Stunning film...Long but not overlong, this sensitive, painful, evocative work packs an emotional wallop."

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