Monday 28 February 2022

Audrey Hepburn

The United States vs. Billie Holiday (2021)


Billie Holiday during her career is targeted by the Federal Department of Narcotics with an undercover sting operation led by black Federal Agent Jimmy Fletcher, with whom she had a tumultuous affair. 

Andra Day's fabulous performance aside, this biopic is well produced, but indecisive with its episodic narrative and, despite all effort, never quite transmits the racism and malevolence Billie Holiday was confronted with nor the true tragedy of her demise.

Sunday 27 February 2022

Gojira vs. Supesugojira (1994)

King Lear (1987)


As the world recovers from the destruction of the Chernobyl disaster, William Shakespeare Jr. the Fifth  attempts to restore the human race's great works of art.

Radically obscurantist contemplation on Skakespeare's classic play presents itself as a wild associative stream of images and sound, in a for Godard typically brilliant montage, but presupposes an audience of polymaths; for everybody else it is of limited interest.

Halliwell (no star): "Sheer nonsense doodled by the director with someone else's money."

Maltin*1/2: "Bizarre, garish, contemporary punk-apocalyptic updating of Shakespeare classic. Little to be said about this pretentious mess except...avoid it." 


Saturday 26 February 2022

Michelle Reis

Jigoku (1960)


A group of sinners involved in interconnected tales of murder, revenge, deceit and adultery all meet at the Gates of Hell.

Astonishing horror morality tale loaded with lots of unusual deaths tells its story with imaginative poetic visuals, a superb and adequately dark soundtrack and meandering plots twists; the end sequence in Hell is both surreal and silly, albeit fascinating, both the theological implications are quite illogical. 


Friday 25 February 2022

Exorcismo (1975)

The Hustler (1961)


An up-and-coming pool player plays a long-time champion in a single high-stakes match.

Down in the dumps drama is realistically set and brilliantly photographed in sleazy pool halls, cheap hotels and worn-down bats and diners, where its downward spiraling tale seems all too inevitable; top performances all around, but Paul Newman is absolutely perfect in the title role.

Haliwell****: "Downbeat melodrama with brilliantly handled and atmospheric pool table scenes; the love interest is redundant."

Maltin***: "Newman is outstanding...Dingy pool-hall atmosphere vividly realized in this incisive film."


Thursday 24 February 2022

Veronica Lake

20 Million Miles to Earth (1957)


The first U.S. spaceship to Venus crash-lands off the coast of Sicily on its return trip. A dangerous, lizard-like creature comes with it and quickly grows gigantic.

Classic creature feature is purely kids' stuff, but is enhanced by Ray Harryhausen's always enjoyable stop-motion effects and a climax in which Rome's tourist spots are gleefully destroyed.

Halliwell (no star: "Cheeseparing monster fiction which doesn't wake up till the last five minutes, and looks pretty silly even then."

Maltin***: "Intelligent script, fast pace, and exceptional special effects by Ray Harryhausen make this one of the best monster-on-the-loose movies ever." 

Sunday 20 February 2022

Genji monogatari (1951)

Wonder Wheel (2017)


On Coney Island in the 1950s, a lifeguard tells the story of a middle-aged carousel operator, his beleaguered wife, and the visitor who turns their lives upside-down. 

Despite some beautiful period cinematography by Vittorio Storraro and an especially vivid performance by Kate Winslet this melodrama is quite stage-bound and somehow misses the tone for its story, appears to be a satire rather than a tragedy.

Thursday 17 February 2022

Carey Mulligan


The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey (2016)


A team of investigators re-examine the 20 year-old unsolved murder of JonBenét Ramsey. 

Interesting, but maybe a bit opinionated documentary takes a unique check of evidence and finds some conclusions, albeit still speculative ones.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Chevy Chase

The Lineup (1958)


In San Francisco, a psychopathic gangster and his mentor retrieve heroin packages carried by unsuspecting travelers. 

Leave it to Don Siegel to turn a regular police investigation story into a tough, tense thriller skillfully photographed on real locations with a highly suspenseful ending.

Halliwell*: "Energetic, polished movie version of a popular TV series, San Francisco Beat." 

Maltin**1/2: "Cult favorite with fans of director Siegel, despite the fact that it's a pretty ordinary police procedural."

Caroline Munro

The Shout (1978)



A traveler by the name of Crossley forces himself upon a musician and his wife in a lonely part of Devon, and uses the aboriginal magic he has learned to displace his host. 

Well-made semi-horror tale seems more surreal than actually frightening, but is intriguing enough to hold your attention.

Halliwell*: "Curiously gripping but ultimately pointless fable, very well done to little purpose."

Maltin**1/2: "Well-filmed but obscure yarn...Worth a look on a slow evening." 

Saturday 12 February 2022

Atonement (2007)

El espinazo del diablo (2001)


After Carlos - a 12-year-old whose father has died in the Spanish Civil War - arrives at an ominous boys' orphanage, he discovers the school is haunted and has many dark secrets which he must uncover. 

More than just a simple ghost story this assuredly directed and beautifully photographed Gothic tale is also a tale about compassion, avarice and political commitment and is both spooky and moving.

Halliwell**: "Elegant, chilling tale of greed and repression that also serves as a political allegory of the times."

Maltin***1/2: "A fascinating ghost story with multiple layers, strikingly shot and designed." 

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Leslie Caron

Casting JonBenet (2017)


In the months following the unsolved murder of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey, responses were elicited from her Colorado hometown community, creating a work of art from the collective memories and mythologies the crime inspired. 

Unusual documentary hybrid takes the occasion of a casting to shine indirect light on a high-profile unsolved true crime mystery; fascinating and unsettling at the same time it does presume that its audience already is informed about the actual case.

Monday 7 February 2022

Lars and the Real Girl (2007)

Lykke-Per (2018)



A gifted engineer flees his austere roots to pursue wealth and success among Copenhagen's elite, but the pride propelling him threatens to be his ruin. 

Intense, stirring and finally heart-wrenching period epic gives a vivid portrayal of a young talented man whose pride and obstinacy boycotts his opportunities despite all the goodness and candor others offer him; wonderfully staged and photographed with a great ensemble.

Eva Green

Animus Magazine


Animus Magazine

Udo Kier

New acquisition: Vampir Filmkult


Nastassja Kinski

Army of the Dead (2021)


Following a zombie outbreak in Las Vegas, a group of mercenaries take the ultimate gamble, venturing into the quarantine zone to pull off the greatest heist ever attempted. 

Typical for its director, this is a top-notch production of a zombie movie, with a good team of characters, lots of action and gore and some dark humor, but all in all it's quite a silly mash-up of genres.  

Sunday 6 February 2022

The Others (2001)

Pursued (1947)


A boy haunted by nightmares about the night his entire family was murdered is brought up by a neighboring family in the 1880s. He falls for his lovely adoptive sister but his nasty adoptive brother and mysterious uncle want him dead. 

Dark noir Western reaps ups the passions in a mysterious, violent family feud with a doomed Robert Mitchum caught in its midst; compelling with beautiful black-and-white cinematography.

Halliwell*: "Glum, good-looking revenge Western."

Maltin***: "Grim, passionate Western noir, a family saga of love, hate, revenge, and a hint of incest...Stunning photography..."